Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April showers bring May flowers

(Look what greets me in the front yard - my tulips are so breathtaking!!!)

As evidenced by the dust that has settled on this blog (not to mention the lone tumbleweeds and chirping crickets heightening the effect), life has been busy. Heather, everyone's busy, you say. Yes, I know. But the kind of BUSY I've had is the kind where you know you're not the one in control, but rather the commitments and deadlines pulling my strings. I've been a useless marionette... especially to my beloved husband, children, God.

The funny thing is, I volunteered for most of it. While they're all wonderful things to be involved in, all at once is just a heavy enslavement.

So the moral of my extended blogcation is this: He who is involved in the most activities LOSES. Live a simple but meaningful life.

Many of you out there are superwomen/men. I have found that I am not. Multi-tasking equates to multi-bungling for me.

I am in the process of shedding many, many, many commitments. Easy? It's extremely painful, actually. I despise quitting, and letting people down makes me want to throw up. But I'm feeling a freedom I haven't felt in a while.

Dear husband will be out of town all next week, and I'm eager to step up to the plate for my children.

Folks, I'm back.

(Another tulip photo from my front yard)

Indeed, life is altogether too fleeting, too precious.


joscelyne cutchens said...

I totally feel ya girl. I feel ya.

Jen Wolff said...

Oh Heather how I've missed you in cyberspace!!! Glad all is well and I can't wait to read about all you've been up to!

Kimberly White said...

So glad you are back. Thanks for your thoughts ... I feel the same way about quitting but have definitely been where you are. Keep listening to the one who made you ... He'll give you the wisdom you need!

Unknown said...

Yay! You are back! Great to see you girl, I've missed you.

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