Wednesday, August 27, 2008


::Little birdie::
I teach Sunday School to a charming group of children, grades K through 2nd. One of the concepts we've been going over is hearing and listening to God's voice. "God has a voice?" one of the little boys asked. Yes, He always speaks to us, I believe firmly, but we're too busy to notice. So their homework was three fold: Before drifting off to sleep, talk to God. Then instead of just stopping there, listen to Him. Engage in a dialogue, speaking and listening. The assignment was to be written down on paper in this manner: "When I listened to God, He told me... {fill in the blank}."

Teaching is a funny concept, because the teacher always learns more than the students. During the week, I spent time trying to fine tune my listening skills when I spent time talking to God. Admittedly, I was filled with many ADHD moments and struggled a bit during the week with my own homework. Then one moment captured the essence of my homework to a T... I was in the garden picking vegetables to cook, and as I knelt to harvest a large zucchini, I made eye contact with a baby bird sitting on a leaf!


How it got there, I don't know, because there are no trees near the area. At first my concern was that it would die... how would I save it? But then I noticed how clear its eyes were, fearlessly perched on the leaf. I felt its peace, and the peace permeated through my rushed day with a force so calming. Of course I grabbed my camera, and when I returned it was still there, sheltered in the shadow of the surrounding leaves. I carefully let go of the leaf and covered the bird up, intrigued by its presence.

One could say it was a fluke. I don't believe anything is happenstance but rather, carefully and lovingly crafted together. I am certain I have heard the voice of God. He spoke to me through this little bird's visit - He related to me in the manner I understand best: visually. And it serves as a reminder that I am hidden under the shadow of His wings, that my Father daily nurtures me. I am so humbled by the elegant message.

::The Camera::
Speaking of signs, your children are a mirror of yourself, aren't they? Earlier today, Amanda grabbed a roll of tape, several sheets of paper, and pens, and disappeared into the play room. An hour or so later, she emerged with this contraption:

She made a camera. Bwahahaha! Just like her camera-wielding Mom, Amanda walked around the house "taking" photos.

Look at the length of that lens! Must be expensive, heh heh:


And my sweet little shutterbug herself:

It goes to show you that youngsters really don't need expensive toys; actually, they hinder the creative process in so many ways. If you have young children in your life, I challenge you to cease the buying frenzy in their name. Play with them instead and model what it is to use the ole' noggin to have fun!

Now, to take my own advice...!

Taking time to reflect on the gifts of life today. Thanks for letting me share if you've read through the entire post. :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Drive-by blogging :D - and another freebie

Life is again burgeoning with many happy things! So much to tell you... I'll be back tonight with more.

Until then, I leave you with a template: (no longer available)


I'm hosting the Tuesday Template Challenge at ScrapMatters, so go check it out! ;)

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