Thursday, May 29, 2008

My symphony

A deliberate journey

"To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury,
and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and
wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to
listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasion, hurry never. In a word, to
let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony." -- William Henry Channing

This life that I live, I have one chance to do it right. I want to leave a legacy, that my family and I lived well, loved much, enjoyed each other, tried our very best at all that was laid at our feet. That we strove to honor God in all that we set out to do. But I get waylaid at times... first by the need to "provide for my children", which is closely followed by the glitz of acquisition - more THINGS, more MONEY, bigger HOUSE, more expensive CAR. Ad nauseum. And of course, it's a vicious cycle, because one can never quench this bottomless thirst. How quickly I sink into the quicksand. Immobilized and out of control.

The aforementioned quote has been a touchstone. It reminds me that life should be a deliberate journey.

Let my life be a symphony to You, Lord.

A gift of words

I had a chance to make a hybrid album with this quote, and I sent it to my sister-in-law. I hope it uplifts you when your spirit needs a boost.

Photos of the album (I think she's received it by now):


Cheri said...

Aaaahhhhhhh, that is absolutely gorgeous! I haven't seen that quote before, but am definitely storing it away for future reference.

Lori Cameron said...

What a beautiful project!! I love it! Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

Heather you are such a talented writer - and such a wonderful anchor for your family! What a wonderful project.

Anke said...

this is beautiful, Heather, your bind all does a wonderful job, I might just have to get one of those. I love what you did with the templates. Did you glue the pages onto cardboard? I really like the look, I need to find that gadget! Your symphony is wonderful!

Carol said...

I love this post on your blog. Gives me much to think about. Your little book is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Hedder, that's an awesome quote. Who wouldn't love to have that somewhere near...somewhere she can look at it every day and remember why we are put here on this planet (NOT Godforsaken). It's to love God. We are here to serve and spread the glorious Word! You have an extraordinary gift with your digi scrapping that you can do just that. Keep spreading the hope in Jesus Christ.


Jen Wolff said...

Love your album Heather! Don't ya just love the bind it all!!! I haven't even started the quote album, arghh! Just thought I'd pop by and leave ya some love and say hi!

Dawn said...

You are so creative!!! this is a wonderful album and gift!!

Daniel said...

Wow, I wouldn't mind having an album like that. I'm sure Betty absolutely loves it. God bless!

Donna S. said...

ok... every time I read you blog I think, "must be more mindful of ther moments that make up the day". You know those moments when your child is asking you why? for the 10,000,000 time and your patience is running thin? Thanks for the great reminders to be the best mom I can be, and holy smokes that is a gorgeous album!

Jackie said...

Love that quote...and your desire to live a life that honors God. How hard that is at time...but He doesn't expect perfection just a willing heart.

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